30 March 2007

Trip to Kingswood

Well today was a pretty busy day. My daughter went off to Kingswood today. =0( I showed up at the school to see her off and she cried a little. I hope she's having a great time. Here's a layout I did of her and her pink suitcase. When I get a chance I'll post the papers I used and the paper clip as a freebi...

Had to show you this.. Hoodie Makeover

Well, my daughter is going to Kingswood tomorrow. She's so excited, anyway we went a did some last minute shopping. We couldn't find any pullover hoodies for her to take, in the girls section, so we went off to the boys section. I was lucky enough to find a black zip up hoodie. Well, when I showed her the black hoodie and told her to try it on, she...

29 March 2007

First Post & Freebie {PinkuPixie Alphabet Snow}

WooHoo! I finally got my blog up and running. And this is my first post. =o) And in celebration here is my first freebie: {PinkuPixie Alphabet Snow}This sparkly alphabet set comes with 26 letters and 10 numbers. Perfect for those winter layouts. Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using. Please Note: Limited Download Availability!Download...