26 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Alphabet Kandi}

Here is the other alpha for the Kandi Kit. My kiddos are off for summer break now. So they are taking up alot of my time. They tend to get bored easy. LOL! In about a week or so they be ready to go back school and begin asking me when does school start ? over and over. *sigh* Anyway, enjoy the freebie. The next one will go up some time next week....

22 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Alphabet Iron }

Well I meant to put this up on Friday, but got busy celebrating 10 years of marriage and my birthday! I've got another alpha which I'll put up tomarrow. Hugs!...........................................................................................................{PinkuPixie Alphabet Iron}Here's another freebie. This one is another alphabet. They...

16 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Kandi Twill}

{PinkuPixie Kandi Twill}Here's a new freebie. This is a set of 6 twill tapes. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below.Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using.Download Expired:{PinkuPixie Kandi Twill Tape}pp_twill_kandizip file size: 5.68 mb..........................................................................

13 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Kandi Journal Boxes}

{PinkuPixie Kandi Journal Boxes}Here's a new freebie. This is a set of 2 journal boxes. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below.Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using.Download Expired:{PinkuPixie Kandi Journal Boxes}pp_jbox_kandizip file size: 7.49 mb..............................................................

11 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Kandi Frames}

{PinkuPixie Kandi Frames}Here's a new freebie. This is a set of 3 frames. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below. Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using.Download Expired:{PinkuPixie Kandi Frames}pp_frame_kandizip file size: 2.82 mbSpecial thanks to Atomic Cupcake................................................
Okay, I've fixed the broken like for the Sherbert Alpha. Just wanted to say "Thanks!" to Chris for pointing this out. Go here to the post to download:PinkuPixie Alpha SherbertClipart courtesy of :The Graphic Shoppe-Cute Clipart ............................................................................................................

09 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Kandi Labels}

{PinkuPixie Kandi Labels}Here's a new freebie. This is a set of 4 embellished labels. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below.Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using.Download Expired:{PinkuPixie Kandi Labels}pp_label_kandizip file size: 3.88 mbSpecial thanks to Atomic Cupcake......................................

06 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Kandi Mini Tags}

{PinkuPixie Kandi Mini Tags}Here's a new freebie. This is a set of 4 mini tags. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below.Please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using.Download Expired:{PinkuPixie Kandi Mini Tags}pp_minitags_kandizip file size: 2.37 mbSpecial thanks to Atomic Cupcake......................................

04 July 2007

Well, todays the fourth of July and of course it had to rain on and off. I was hoping for no rain, maybe just cloudy. So we decided not to go see the fireworks this year and BBQ instead. I am so glad we bought the 3.5m umbrella. It came in pretty handy while BBQing today. Oh, went to Tesco's today and spent way too much money as usual. Anyway the...

03 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie Paper - Kandi}

{PinkuPixie Paper - Kandi}Well, its been raining on and off all day today. Was hoping to get most of the laundry done. I only managed to get one load of laundry out to partially dry. . . now I've got clothes hangin' everywhere in my house including on the radiators. :o) Anyway this is a set of 12 papers I made before getting sick. I call it Kandi....

02 July 2007

Freebie {PinkuPixie July Wallpaper}

Well I feel so much better today. Lots of sleep and medicine. Still got a slight cough but no more aches, sore throat or nasal congestion. Yippee! Since we are in July now thought I'd start off with this month's wallpaper. Tomorrow and the days to follow I will add the rest of the freebies I didn't get to put up while out sick...............................................................................Freebie...