18 December 2008

Freebie {PixieQuickie Card - Christmas #2 }

First I'd like to thank everyone who has left me such nice comments. Thank You! And Merry Christmas to you all too. I appreciate it and please keep'em coming. Made another Christmas card with a matching envie yesterday. I think it turned out pretty nice, hope you like it. I used bits from my portion of "Holidays At Home" collab. {PixieQuickie...

15 December 2008

Another Collab...

Yep! Another Christmas Collab for you. This one is called Holly Jolly Express! And it departs today, there are 80 trains stops on this blog train. Can you believe it? 80 stops! You' find all 80 stops listed farther done this post. Here's my preview below:Everything is saved @ 300 dpi, papers are in .jpg format and everything else is in .png format....

12 December 2008

Freebie {Christmas Around the World Collab}

Soo sorry everyone! I forgot to remove the password before bed last night. Its fixed now, enjoy!Here's another Christmas freebie for you today. I decided to participate in another Christmas Collab. This one is called "Christmas Around the World". Just below my download links, is the link to the "Christmas Around the World Blog" - this is where you'll...

03 December 2008

Freebie {PixieQuickie Card - Christmas #1 }

First I'd like to thank everyone who has left a comment. I appreciate it and please keep'em coming. Made a Christmas card with a matching envie for a friend yesterday. I think it turned out pretty nice, hope you like it. I guess I'm going to make some more for the rest of the family and friends. So keep an eye out. {PixieQuickie Card - Christmas...

01 December 2008

Starting out with a bang....

Today is December 1st and I’ve got 2 not one but 2 Blog train Freebies for you. I’m starting this month out with a bang! LOL! This one is called "Christmas Convoy" and there are 44 participants (including me) in this collaboration :---------- and this one is ADSDesigners’s December Collab “Holidays at Home”: ----------...