31 March 2008

Freebie - April Desktop Wallpaper

Someone asked where the Easter Bunny hid the eggs. Inside the house of course. We usually do it ouside in the back garden, weather permitting. Someone else asked if the eggs are hard boiled, yes they are. My girls peel and eat some of the eggs with salt and pepper or HP brown sauce. The rest I make into egg salad sandwiches. .......................................................................Well...

23 March 2008

Whew! What a week...

Well first I'd like to wish everyone "Happy Easter"!My Kitty, what a ham!Well we woke up to a visit from the Easter Bunny as well as snow! LOL! What a nice surprise. Firt time I've had a White Easter:I manage to make my girls their Easter Baskets this year. I was going to buy them, but when my DH and I went shopping for them they were all just horrible....

21 March 2008

10 March 2008