16 July 2009

02 July 2009

Freebie - July Wallpaper

Here's this month's desktop wallpaper before I forget.Download Here:{PinkuPixie July Desktop Wallpaper}==EXPIRED==3 sizes available in 1 zip file:via 4shared:PinkuPixie-JUL09-wallpapers.zipvia box.net:PinkuPixie-JUL09-wallpapers.zipPlease don't pass this link or the zip file around, to do so would be an act of piracy. Instead please refer your friends...

01 July 2009

Summer Garden

OMG! We've have some great weather here in the UK over past few days. I'm loving it. Now here's my contribution to ADSDesigners Blog Train - Summer Garden. If you download please leave a comment. Thanks in Advance! Enjoy and now I'm off to do a little cleaning.Here's a layout I made using some of these bits:Everything is saved @ 300 dpi, papers are...