18 December 2007

Freebies {PinkuPixie Mini Kit - Santa}

~*~ Jody my email is located on the right above the blog roll. You can email me @ that address. ~*~Okie Dokie, Here's a freebie, it's actually 3, these are Saturday, Sunday and Monday's, all 3 link. I found these papers on my computer. They were made last year and have been sitting on my computer since then. So I went and made it into a mini kit...

14 December 2007

Freebie {PixieQuickie Small Gift Box - Christmas 3 & 4}

{PixieQuickie Small Gift Box - Christmas 3&4}All four boxes are pictured, but today you can download boxes 3&4 . Box #3 is a Holly print and box #4 is a snowflake print. This box is approximately 3.75 "x 3" x 1.5" in size. Perfect for an iPod shuffle. File is in PNG format and you get instructions in PDF format. Personal Use Only! Please...

13 December 2007

Delightful Deliveries (yummy)

Isn't this the cutest. Its from Delightful Deliveries and its called: Lady Fortunes® Birthday Dipped & Decorated Oreos® . The price isn't too bad either, only $24.99. I've already gotten all of my Christmas shopping done. But I do have a few B-days coming up soon. I'm thinking about sending this Merry Wheel of Oreos® to a dear friend of mine....

Freebie {PixieQuickie Brag Book - Christmas #5}

OMG! My daughter came home last night saying she needed a costume for the christmas play by today. I've been asking her about it all week. I ended up rushing to the store, purchasing a twin sheet set and using that to make her costume. LOL! I didn't get a chance to get a pic, but will come back and add one later tonite. 4 more days of school left...

12 December 2007

Winter Blues.....

Winter Blues - Well this morning was dreadfully cold. I didn’t want to get out of my warm cozy bed. Uk weather can be so depressing. You’d think after being here 5 years I’d be more use to it. It rained here the last few days (down south) making it all dark gloomy and cold. I sooo wish I could go on vacation somewhere like Key West or even Orlando....

11 December 2007

Yah! I did it....

Don't forget to grab PixieQuickie Brag Book - Christmas #3 HERE.....................................................................Well I went back and worked on a gift box to hold my DD's Christmas present. Took me all day yesterday and some of today, but I did it. Made the box! Yah!So that will be today's freebie. I will post yesterday's too...

10 December 2007

Why PayPerPost?

Well, I signed up for PPP awhile back after seeing it on other fellow bloggers blogs and of course I put off posting about it, just got too busy and then completely forgot. Bad me. So I decided to do it today after seeing that Pillowgirl had joined as well. What is PPP? PPP stands for payperpost. I love the fact that you can earn a little moolah...

09 December 2007

Freebie {PixieQuickie Brag Book - Christmas #3}

Well the last of the B-days is finally over. Yah! My DD and her friends had a blast watching the film "Enchanted". they wore their tiaras and crown. I had bought a kids crown for the little prince but it did not fit. The girls suggested her wear the Posiden's crown (aka embellished Burger King Crown) instead. The crown was from a school play they...

08 December 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

This past week has been very busy. I'm so glad it over. Just have to get through tomorrow's B-day party and another week of school. Here's the goodie bag for my DD's B-day party, they are going to the cinema to see the file "Enchanted". The girls tiara's came in 2 days ago. I almost thought they would get here on time. Anyway, the girl's bags are...

Soo tired!

Hi everyone, thought I'd post real quick. Got a little busy with family life. The Christmas Fair was today and went very well. The the treat bags were a big hit. I'm exhausted, thought I'd have the energy to post the freebies after the movie (Pirates of the Carribean - World's End). I'm drained. I'll post not one but "3" freebies tomorrow. One for yesterday, one for today and tomorrow's. Well,...

05 December 2007

Freebie {PixieQuickie Bag Toppers 1 & 2}

Here's 2 new freebies, Treat Bag Toppers. One is for snack bags and the other is for sandwich bags. I was working on these yesterday but didn't finish them until today. I made them for my younger two, to take to school. They are easy to make. You can print them out on everyday computer paper or cardstock. Cardstock is sturdier. All you do is print...

04 December 2007

Freebie {6x4 Photo Cards - Christmas #3}

{PinkuPixie 6x4 Photo Cards - Christmas #3}Here's another freebie. I was working on something today and I'm currently stuck on it. So its not finished yet. (Hint:has something to do with treats) So instead here's the last pair of Christmas photo cards. As always please read my TOU (included in zip file) before using. Personal Use Only! Thanks a...

03 December 2007

Finished scarves and a couple of freebies

Well, I finally finished my niece's (red) and my mother's (denimish) scarves the other day, even managed to wrap them and get them mailed out. Now I just need to work on the scarves for my girls. Decided to go with pompoms in stead of the usual tassels. Picked up the goodies for my DD's party today too. I'll be working on the bags next. She decided...