29 January 2008

My very first CT Call

Hello everyone, now that I'm in a shop, I'm in need of a CT. This is a first for me and I'm excited. So if you like my designs and love to scrap then why not try out for my Creative Team? I've have to positions available:Layout Designer (make layouts using my kits) QP Designer (make quick pages using my kits)There are 3-4 spot available for each position....

23 January 2008


Oh, just wanted to let you all know that I'll be updating my blog now. So if you visit and its all wierd or something, don't worry, it just means that I've edited something and you visited while I'm in the process.. I've all ready updated my site site. You can check it out here. I gave it a brand new look. Let me know what you thin...

22 January 2008

Freebie and some news....

Well how about the news first then the freebie. Well, as you know I've been MIA for awhile. Well that is because I am now in a shop. What shop? Digital Scrap Designs! Yah! Pinch me, I still can't believe I'm in a shop. Anyway, they just opened and specialize in S4H/S4O (scrap for hire/scrap for others) and commercial use stuff. I've also got a few...

17 January 2008

Busy Morning......

Good morning, I should have a freebie later tonight or tomarrow for you. Just finishing it up. Anyway, while I was taking a break I was stumbled upon a new product that is available from Salon Grafix. They’ve got this new shampoo that doesn’t require any water to us it. That’s right, it’s a spray powder shampoo. How cool is that? I sure could have...

15 January 2008

just sharing.....

Well, I've been MIA for an extra week. Thought I could get all my updating done in a week. Ha! I'm stuck and now behind. But I have to do it. Anyway, popped in to say I'm still here and I'm hoping to be done by this weekend. In the meantime I wanted to share a couple of layouts sent to me by Jammie Mammie using my Kandi kit bits.Layout by Jammie...

02 January 2008

What a year!!

Well, sorry this wallpaper is late. I ended up catching the flu bug from DH. So wasn't feeling to good. But to top that off my internet went out on Christmas eve. DH didn't get it back up and running until the day after Christmas. I have some sparkly borders and a frame I had meant to post on the first but didn't have the energy to do so. S0 I'll...