28 February 2008

Freebie {PinkuPixie March Wallpaper}

Well, I woke up today thinking I had a headache. I just took my temperature and have a slight fever. Not good. My DH is sick again right now. My youngest and I just got over colds. I so don't need to get the flu bug. Which is what I believe DH has. He caught it from work. So now we are going to go through round 2 of being sick in this house. Ugh!...

23 February 2008

CT Anouncment...

Here are the lucky six:Click image for larger viewCongratualtions ladies! Watch for an email from me on Monday!And below you'll find a couple of PixieQuickie Pages designed by my PQ Team. These will be available for the next 10 days. PERSONAL USE ONLY PLEASE!! There are passwords for both the one by Misty is pqms123 and the one by Vicki is pqva123...

19 February 2008


Good News!, Charlene has sent me the files for the cards and envelopes (pictured below) she had made for her DD some of my past freebies. She has even sent a sheet of stickers. I know its after Valentine's day but thought I'd share them anyway. You can download them below. Please read the Terms of Use included in the zip file.Limited Download Availability!~*~Link...

17 February 2008

13 February 2008

Just wanted to share...

I had to share these real quick! Just checked my email and look what Charlene (Btrflywmn) sent me. Aren't these just the cutest? She made these for her DD.Please leave some love for her!...........................................................................................................Also I'll be sending out emails to those of you who I haven't...

I'm Back.......

Okay, I'm back I finally got my computer all re-formatted. I forgot to copy a few files over so I lost those. But no worries. The ones that really count I did transfer over to my external hard drive. Anyway, DH fixed internet for me today, again. I was so ready to pull my hair out.I didn't make and Valentine cards this year because my girls are on...

09 February 2008

OMG, I hate my computer

Special Notice:Okay, everyone this is just a heads up! I'm about to re-format my stupid computer. I Have spent the last 2 days copying everything I think I need to an external hard drive. So I will probably be offline a few days while DH re-formats, re-installs my sofware programs and copies everthing back onto my computer. Fingers crossed that this will fix the problem I am having with PSCS2.Also...

06 February 2008

Freebie - Bling Hearts

.......................................................................................{PinkuPixie Freebie - Bling Hearts}Here is a bling bling freebie for you. Very cute and perfect for those love/Valentine layouts.. You get 4 hearts, 2 pink and 2 red.. There are no shadows, I only added them to the preview below. Please be sure to read my updated...

02 February 2008


{CT Call - for more info visit here}...................................................{PinkuPixie Freebie - Love Hate}Here is a sparkly freebie. Very cute and perfect for those love/Valentine layouts.. You get 5 sparkly Transparencies. There are no shadows, and I didn't added them to the preview below. Please be sure to read my updated Terms of Use...