So I've finished the scarf for my lil' sis. Now I've started working on one for my niece. Not sure how I'm going to do the ends on this one yet. I like the colors of this yarn too and might make a kit with the colors as well.

Just been too busy. We've got 2 parent/teacher conferences tonight and 1 on Friday. Plus DD's birthday party is this weekend. I am so glad she wanted a movie party. They're going to go and see the Bee Movie. I ordered some bee antenae headbands, but I don't know if they will make it here on time. I hope they do. But in the mean time I need to make some goodie bags for her friends to take home with them. I am also thinking about making some cake boxes for them to take home too. Anyway, I made her invites from a bee movie wallpaper. Didn't have time to go shopping for them. We printed them out then matted tem on matching green cardstock.

Thanksgiving is coming up fast as well. Haven't had a chance to sit down a write up a menu and shopping list. Not sure if I want to get another turkey from Popeye's this year. -sigh- Well i've ot tons to do a little time to d it in. So I'm off. Will try to post another freebie in a few days or so.
Wow, You've been a busy girl! Love the colors of the scarf, your niece will love it! The bee invitations are adorable, hope the antennas come in time! Have fun!!
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